Field Journal
Date: April 28, 2017
Day of the week: Friday
Location: Wilson Borough, PA (My Backyard)
Time: 3:35 PM
Observers: Jasmin Jackson, Peyton B.(son), Parker J. (son)
Habitat: Big open field of grass. The apartment complex buildings surrounding the north and west outskirt of the property. Trees surround the east and south side of the property. The grass is freshly cut and various trees are newly planted through out the yard.
Weather: 82° Mostly Sunny and Warm
Remarks: I feel relaxed and free. Seeing that i have my children participate in this activity, i feel happy because they are happy to be outside. There is no one out here but us three. We have a blanket laid out over the grass so that we can lye down and enjoy the son.
Comments: I learned that sitting in a calm relaxing environment made us all relaxed. I realized that the talks with my children were more calm and the quality time felt more memorable.
We noticed fresh trees planted but no flowers which prompted us to request fresh flowers planted from management. Our day flowed more positively and it also inspired me to get back into my artwork.
Personal Account: I was initially worried about my children and if they were going to be a distraction while trying to complete this activity. I was as calm as possible when explaining to them about what were going to do. They were instantly excited because of the thought of going outside. I laid out the blanket and we all sat and talked about our morning and afternoon. My talk about relaxation caused the children to sit Indian style with their middle and thumb fingers touching as if they were meditating. We admired the freshly planted trees and how adorably small they were. We spotted a tan wild rabbit, who hopped close enough for us to see but ran once we inched our way to get close enough to take pictures. We saw lots of squirrels, red & brown birds, and of course ants. Everyone was
inspired to draw and color so we collected the materials needed and did so. After about an hour we noticed our neighbors come out to sit and relax in the yard as well. Due to the overwhelming heat we decided to end the activity.